These are just a few standout facts about girls from around the world.

  • “Less than two cents of every development dollar goes to programs specifically for girls, particularly those ages 10-14.[i]
  • “On average, 90% of girls who spend less than 14 hours on housework attend school, but only 70% of those who spend 28 hours or more per week on household chores do so.[ii]
  • “82 million girls in developing countries between the ages of 10 and 17 will be married before their 18th birthday.[iii]
  • “Although girls between the ages of 10-19 account for 10%[iv] of all births worldwide, they account for 23% of the overall burden of disease (disability- adjusted life years) due to pregnancy and childbirth.[v]
  • “Preventing gender-based violence and improving young women’s economic independence from older men are imperative in the effort to protect women and girls from HIV.[vi]  Young women who are in relationships with men at least 5 years older than them have a higher risk of HIV infection.[vii]


[i]    “Why Girls”.  The Nike Foundation 2008.  Retrieved 14 March 2011 from <>.

[ii]     “The World’s Women 2010: Trends and Statistics”.  The United Nations Statistics Division 2010.  Retrieved from <>.

[iii]  “Promoting Gender Equality: The Gender Dimensions of the AIDS Epidemic”.  UNFPA 2009.  Retrieved from <>.

[iv] “State of the World’s Children 2010”.  UNICEF November 2009 pp. 91.  Retrieved 17 March 2011 from <>.

[v]     “Why is giving special attention to adolescents important for achieving Millennium Development Goal 5?”  World Health Organization 2008.  Retrieved 28 March 2011 from <>.

[vi] “Global Report 2010”.  UNAIDS 2010.  Retrieved 21 March 2011 from <>.

[vii] “Global Report 2010”.  UNAIDS 2010.  Retrieved 21 March 2011 from <>.